Claremont is the place where leaders in fundraising come to build alignment.

We equip leaders in fundraising for their ascent.

Leaders in fundraising who know how to build alignment launch unprecedented campaigns.

The returns are measured in dollars, energy, and trust that foster uncommon cultures. 

We do this by:


We raise sights to make things happen.


We revitalize a sense of possibility.


We give leaders confidence for the climb.

We do philanthropy differently.

At Claremont, philanthropy is more than raising money.  It’s about real, authentic, human relationships that align purpose, vision and values for unprecedented campaigns.

Done masterfully, fundraising creates an energy all its own.

We call this people-powered philanthropy. 

  • Elizabeth, and now Claremont, has been our trusted partner for more than a decade.  We are on our second climb to another fundraising summit.  The energy is palpable. 

    -Chief Advancement Officer, Northeast day school

  • Elizabeth has been with us since the beginning of this campaign, first leading  a campaign planning study.  She continues to provide counsel to University leadership and strategy for top prospects. 

    -Senior Vice President, Northeast private university.

  • Claremont is a critical part of our integrated planned process as we prepare our School for a campaign.  We value the range of expertise from pipeline analysis to Board development. 

    -Chief Advancement Officer, New England boarding school.     

  • Elizabeth is creative, process oriented, and strategic, a rare combination. Her counsel illuminates a pathway forward I would have never thought of alone.”

    -Chief Development Officer, national nonprofit organization

  • “With one powerful and unexpected question, I embarked on an accelerated career ascent.  It was the eye opener that I didn’t know I needed.”

    -Fundraiser, Researcher, Podcaster

The best climbers take what they learn, put it to use, and make it their own. Here are insights to get you started. 

Ready to start your climb?